Clinical trials
We’re doing our research
Due to the growing demand for our GripSox® (non-slip socks) product, we thought we should further explore their benefits and uses through clinical trials.

November/December 2013
Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association
A randomised trial comparing GripSox®, standard socks and bare feet, that was conducted independently by some of Australia’s leading researchers into falls prevention (Hatton, A et al), was published in the November/December 2013 Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association. Below is a summary of the main findings:

Improves gait
It is possible that GripSox® have the capacity to bring gait patterns back to optimal barefoot levels in older people.
It is also possible that the rubber grip components of the GripSox® may have provided enhanced tactile stimulation to cutaneous mechanoreceptors on the soles of the feet, leading to alterations in gait.
The study reports promising evidence for the slip-resistant properties of GripSox® during gait.
Compared with wearing standard socks, wearing GripSox® improves gait performance and may be beneficial in reducing the risk of slipping in older people.
stability and confidence
It is possible that purely kinesthetic input from the nonslip rubber grip components on the soles of the feet, may have drawn participants’ attention to their walking, leading them to feel more stable and to walk as confidently as when barefoot.
The present findings seem to suggest that older people who walk slower when wearing standard socks may benefit more from wearing GripSox®.
channel 9 news
Falls Prevention Program, Melbourne
A clinical trial at John Fawkner Private Hospital in Melbourne showed a massive 73% reduction in patient falls. The trial, which used our REDuce Falls Sox® reduced the hospital’s falls rate from 7.15 falls per 1000 bed days down to 1.80 falls per 1000 bed days, well below the national average.
GripSox® was proud to be involved in the clinical trial of the Ruby Red Socks falls prevention program run by St Vincents & Mercy Private Hospital in Melbourne. The pilot program resulted in a huge reduction in falls and subsequently saw theRuby Red Socks program being implemented throughout the entire Organisation.
View Channel 9 News’ special GripSox® feature story by clicking the image.
More GripSox® Trials
St Andrew’s Hospital, Toowoomba
“The RED-coloured GripSox® were designed specifically to help staff visually identify people who have been assessed as a high falls risk in the ward”
Read more…
Friendly society private hospital, queensland
In 2008, a trial run at The Friendly Society Private Hospital, Queensland saw GripSox® used in a multi-factorial study looking at falls prevention. This trial saw the incidence of falls reduced by approximately 30%.
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Cairns Private Hospital
In March 2009 a four month trial saw all post operative total hip and knee replacement patients wearing GripSox® over their compression stockings to see if the incidence of falls post operatively could be reduced. In a fantastic result for GripSox®, the incidence of falls was reduced by a staggering 70% compared with the same four month period in 2008.
Waikato District Health Board, New Zealand
GripSox® were used in a multi-factorial clinical trial run by Waikato District Health Board, New Zealand between July-December 2009.
During this period, the total number of falls recorded halved in number.
get involved
If you would like to be involved in further clinical trials, please email us.

Laundering clinical trials
We have also completed an independent clinical trial looking at how well GripSox® withstand regular washing treatments, especially in a high temperature environment such as those required in hospitals and nursing homes for infection control.
The trial involved our GripSox® product being repeatedly washed and dryed in high temperature at least four times a day over a period of 30 days.
We were very pleased to see that this method of laundering did not result in any loss of the grip dots on the sole of the socks.
* Manufacturer testing of the socks at water temperatures up to 40 degrees celsius report that any sock shrinkage noticeable at “rest” will not effect the “stretched / wearing” length of the socks due to the elastane content in the socks. This may not be the same for higher laundering temperatures.
GripSox® Options

GripSox® Black Socks
Get a grip on your every day activities with our non-slip grip socks.

REDuce Falls Socks®
The worlds leading form of independently clinically trialled non-slip grip socks.

GripSox Stretch Top®
Providing additional comfort for those individuals with swollen feet and ankles. Colour: Black

GripSox Stretch Top®
Providing additional comfort for those individuals with swollen feet and ankles. Colour: Red

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